Caring Ministries
As we walk in faith together, there are times when support is needed. At Buffalo UMC we have several caring ministries that can help. Sometimes we as individuals are on the receiving end and sometimes we are able to be on the giving end, providing that support to others. These are the ministries that provide support:
Many lay people at Buffalo UMC are trained as BeFrienders, caring adults who listen to people in distress and make regular contact with them for either a short-term or long-term relationship. BeFrienders don’t judge or tell people what to do, they just listen. If you are interested in becoming a trained BeFriender, or if you might be in need of a listening ear, contact the church office.
BeFriender Ministry is a national organization based in Minnesota.
BeFriender Ministry is a national organization based in Minnesota.
Blankets for Beds
We collect new or gently used bedding year-round at the church for local distribution, primarily through the Buffalo Food Shelf. This is one of our many ministries that developed out of the passions of one of our parishioners. If you have blankets, quilts, sheets or towels to donate, you may drop them off at the church anytime. There is a box across the hall from the church office.
Common Hope Guatemala
Our congregation has sent seven teams to Guatemala since 2004 in support of the Common Hope Mission there. In addition, there are many families who sponsor children through monthly donations. We also collect supplies year-round to send for ministries there – things like school supplies, mittens and hats (yes, it’s cool in those mountains!), sports and recess supplies like balls, jump ropes, etc. Visit the Common Hope website to learn more about this organization and child sponsorship. Contact Buffalo UMC for ways you could support Common Hope or perhaps get a vision team organized locally.
Food Shelf
The need for food is always around us. Our church is actively involved in supporting the Buffalo Food Shelf and collects food and supplies year–round in a red wagon near our church office. We have many people who volunteer by serving on the board, stocking shelves, transporting food or cleaning at the food shelf. We can help you get involved too! Just let us know you are interested and we will connect you.
Meals Ministries
Buffalo United Methodist serves a variety of meals needs within our congregation and our community.
- When someone faces a difficult time, a team of volunteer cooks will make meals and deliver to their home. We also have frozen meals on hand at church that can be delivered on short notice to help someone out.
- Our church helps deliver Meals on Wheels in the community of Buffalo, especially every February and August. Volunteers are always welcome!
Prayer ShawlS
Prayer Shawl Needlework Group – Makes prayer shawls and gives them people going through a tough time, to remind them of both God’s love and church’s love for them. This group gathers once a month and enjoys fellowship together, but people also work on their projects on their own time. Some members also make other needlework items for missions, such as baby hats or blankets.